Coconut and Cardamom Sweet Buns
by Northern Life
If you are looking or an alternative use for your cupcake or muffin tray, these delicious sweet buns are a great alternative for the more adventurous baker. The combination of coconut and cardamom creates a sweet, rich flavour and makes these a small but delicious treat. The buns are best served warm with a hot drink, perhaps as you gather together after an autumnal walk.
Preparation time: 30 minutes Plus approx. 2 hours proving
Baking time: 25 minutes
Makes: 12 buns
Pyrex Asimetria 12 cup muffin tray
Pyrex 1 litre glass mixing bowl
Cling film
Sharp knife
Pyrex 0.25 litre measuring jug
Pestle and mortar
Pyrex 0.5 litre glass mixing bowl
Cooling rack
Pastry brush
Ingredients For the dough:
100g creamed coconut
200ml freshly boiled water
300g strong white bread flour
1 sachets of fast action yeast
3tbps golden caster sugar
1 free range egg, lightly beaten
1tsp salt
For the filling
100ml coconut cream
100g light muscavado sugar
100g desiccated coconut
1tbsp cinnamon
6-8 cardamom pods (crush the pods, remove the green outer and then grind the seeds in a pestle and mortar to a fine powder)
175g soft unsalted butter
For the icing
50g creamed coconut
100ml freshly boiled water
300g icing sugar
Method – Coconut and Cardamom Sweet Buns:
- Put 150g of creamed coconut into your Pyrex measuring jug filled with 300ml of freshly boiled water and stir until it’s dissolved, then stir in the sugar and salt.
- In a large mixing bowl mix the flour and yeast together and make a well in the centre.
- Pour the coconut mixture and the beaten egg into the well and stir the mixture together to form a ball of dough. Tip: make sure the temperature is blood heat. You may need to add a little extra liquid if the mixture is too dry.
- Turn out the dough onto a lightly floured worktop and knead for at least 10-15 minutes until you have a smooth, soft, springy and stretchy ball of dough.
- Place in a clean lightly greased large bowl and cover with cling film, put in a warm place for at least 1-1 ½ hours to prove (by which time it should have doubled in size).
- Make the filling by mixing all the ingredients together until all combined.
- When the dough had proved you need to tip it out and gently flatten and stretch it out into a rectangle approximately 30cmx20cm.
- Spread the buttery coconut filling all over the dough then roll up like a Swiss-roll as tightly and evenly as possible from the long side into a long sausage.
- Trim off each end then slice the sausage into 12 even pieces.
- Use a little extra butter to grease your Pyrex muffin tin then pop a bun in each (so you can see the spiral).
- Lightly cover with cling film and put back in your warm place again to prove for a further 30-45 minutes.
- Preheat the oven to: electric 190°C / electric (fan) 170°C / gas mark 5.
- Bake your try of buns for 25-30 minutes until, risen and golden.
- Make the icing by dissolving the 50g of creamed coconut in 100ml of boiled water- in your Pyrex measuring jug, then pour this into a bowl with the icing sugar and whisk together.
- Turn your buns out onto a wire rack and then pour or brush over the icing glaze whilst still warm. Tip: place some baking parchment underneath to catch any drips. Enjoy warm or cool.