
US Tech 100 vs. Nasdaq vs. FTSE 100: A Comparison of Major Indice

by Northern Life

Navigating the intricate world of stock market indices requires a clear understanding of the distinctions among the major players. The US Tech 100, Nasdaq, and FTSE 100 stand as three of the most influential indices globally, each representing a unique market segment. This comparison will explore their respective compositions, performance metrics, and roles within the broader economic landscape, offering investors valuable insights for informed decision-making.


The US Tech 100, also known as the Nasdaq 100, is an index of the top 100 non-financial companies listed on the Nasdaq stock market. It includes prominent technology giants such as Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and Facebook. This index is often viewed as a proxy for the performance of the tech industry in the United States.

On the other hand, Nasdaq is an electronic marketplace where investors can buy and sell securities like shares and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). The Nasdaq composite index is made up of more than 2,500 shares traded on the Nasdaq exchange, including both financial and non-financial companies. This broader index is often viewed as a reflection of the overall health of the US stock market.

The FTSE 100, or Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Index, represents the top 100 companies listed on the London Stock Exchange by market capitalisation. Unlike the US Tech 100 and Nasdaq indices, which are heavily weighted towards technology stocks, the FTSE 100 includes a diverse mix of industries such as energy, healthcare, and consumer goods.

Performance Metrics

When comparing the performance of these indices over time, it’s essential to consider their respective objectives and composition. The US Tech 100 and Nasdaq indices are often seen as benchmarks for the tech industry’s performance, while the FTSE 100 is primarily used to track the overall health of the UK stock market.

In recent years, the US Tech 100 has outperformed both the Nasdaq and FTSE 100, buoyed by strong performances from its technology-heavy constituents. However, during market downturns or periods of economic uncertainty, there may be a shift towards more stable investments such as those found within the FTSE 100.

Role in the Economy


Wall street sign in New York with New York Stock Exchange background

As major stock market indices, the US Tech 100, Nasdaq, and FTSE 100 play a crucial role in the global economy. These indices not only reflect the performance of their respective markets but also serve as indicators of economic health and investor sentiment.

Additionally, these indices can impact consumer behavior and business decisions. A strong performance in the stock market can boost confidence among consumers, leading to increased spending. Similarly, positive market conditions may encourage businesses to invest in growth opportunities.

Influence on Global Markets

The US Tech 100, Nasdaq, and FTSE 100 are all internationally recognised benchmarks that attract investors from around the world. As such, any significant movements or trends in these indices can have a ripple effect on global markets.

For instance, if there is a significant drop in the US Tech 100, investors may become more cautious and pull their funds out of other markets as well. This phenomenon, known as “contagion,” highlights the interconnectedness of the global economy and how changes in one market can impact others.

Future Outlook

With technology playing an increasingly important role in our daily lives, the US Tech 100 and Nasdaq will likely continue to be key performance indicators for the stock market. However, with the emergence of new technologies and industries, we may see shifts in these indices over time.

Similarly, the FTSE 100 will also continue to be a major player in global markets, reflecting the performance of top companies in the UK. As the economy evolves and adapts to changing circumstances, so too will these indices. Investors and businesses alike must stay informed and keep an eye on these benchmark indices to make informed decisions.


In conclusion, the US Tech 100, Nasdaq, and FTSE 100 are critical players in the global economy and stock market. Their performance not only reflects market trends but also influences consumer behaviour and business decisions.

As we move towards a more technology-driven world, these indices will continue to play a significant role in shaping the future of global markets. As such, investors and businesses need to stay informed and pay attention to these benchmarks in order to make strategic decisions for growth opportunities.