Pendle Witches Quiz
by Northern Life
Test your knowledge on the trials, the accused, and the dark history of Pendle Hill.
The Pendle Witch Trials became one of England’s most infamous events. Twelve people from Pendle Hill were accused of witchcraft, leaving a legacy of fear and intrigue. Let’s test your knowledge about the famous witch trials…
- Of the 11 witches that were put on trial, how many were found guilty?
- Whose supposed cursing of a pedlar from Halifax sparked the witch hunt in Lancaster?
- Jennet Preston, the only witch to have been trialled in Yorkshire, was hanged on which date?
- Of those accused, whose statue was unveiled in Roughlee in 2012?
- King James I had a specific interest in dark magic. What is the title of his novel based primarily around witchcraft?
- Many people say the witches continue to haunt Pendle Hill today. Which peculiar object do paranormal investigators claim landed on a Oujia Board at Malkin Tower?
- The bad blood between the Chattox and Device families was caused by the theft of how much money?
- The Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches in the Countie of Lancaster was written by which clerk to the Lancaster Assizes?
- In spirit of the witches, Burnley’s independent brewery ‘Moorhouse’s’ gave what name to their Pendle-inspired beer?
- An exhibition marking the 400th anniversary of the trials was held where?
- The Pendle Witches were alleged to have hatched a plot to do what?
- In 2011, a 17th century cottage believed to have belonged to a Pendle Witch was unearthed. What animal skeleton was found inside?
- A House of Commons spokesman said the petition to pardon the Pendle Witches would be considered if it reached how many signatures?
- Which historic pub is said to be where the Pendle Witches had their final drink?
- Which BBC documentary, narrated by poet Simon Armitage, was adapted from the Pendle Witch Trials?
- What was the name of Alison Device’s fabled familiar?
- Katherine Hewitt, one of the many accused of witchcraft, was often referred to by what nickname?
- Held on the 17th September 2022, the Pendleside Hospice Witch Festival broke which world record?
- Where can the tombstone known as the ‘Witch’s Grave’ be found?
- How long did the witches spend in their dungeon before they were taken to court?
- How old was Jennet Device when she gave evidence against her own mother during the trials?
- A hilltop gathering commemorating the event is annually held at Pendle Hill on which date?
- Which well-known novel written by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman features a number of characters named after the Pendle Witches?
- Who was the last Pendle Witch to be hung?
- If a Pendle Witch was stood at the summit of Pendle Hill, how high would they be?
Magic up the answers here.
NorthernLife Sept/Oct/Nov 24