Northern Life Summer By The Sea Quiz Answers

by Northern Life

'Oh, I Do Like to Be Beside The Seaside!' Let’s take a stroll along the prom, prom, prom and test your knowledge of some of Yorkshire and Lancashire’s best-loved seaside towns.

  1. Red Rum
  2. Just eight.
  3. Three
  4. True! A pool of dirty water in the Irish Sea gave Blackpool its name.
  5. David Thewlis, who played Remus Lupin
  6. Whale
  7. Captain James Cook
  8. Penny Hedge
  9. Jeanie
  10. They sank.
  11. True, an albeit unfinished one, the tower was abandoned and dismantled during WW1.
  12. Quicksand
  13. Ernie Wise
  14. Black Sabbath
  15. Sambo
  16. The Beano
  17. Mrs Farrars
  18. True, the house dating from the Mesolithic period was uncovered the Star Carr site.
  19. The murder of a night watchman.
  20. Tuna
  21. The British Lawnmower Museum
  22. False, but the sea rarely goes all the way up to the sea walls.
  23. Sandgrounders
  24. 100 years old.
  25. Lord Street