How to have it all | Deborah Bulcock
by Northern Life
Deborah Bulcock, 46, who now lives in the hamlet of Sough, Pendle in Lancashire, consistently worked 60+ hours per week, but after hitting burnout, she had the courage to pivot from her successful career to embark on a new path to become a registered nutritional therapist, coach and mentor to help guide and support others. In November she celebrated becoming a global bestseller author on the Amazon book charts after the release of her debut book Have it All Without Burning Out became a bestseller within hours of its release.
As a Director in the fast-paced male dominated Financial Services industry, Deborah was constantly working to perform and prove herself– she would frequently work 60-70 hours per week when she was based in Northampton and this continued as she relocated to a new senior role.
“Helping others to thrive in work and life is my passion and coaching is at the heart of everything I do”
Deborah Bulcock
After years of performing at the height of her ability, working long hours, constantly proving her worth and not having the right support structures or balance in her life… she hit rock bottom and experienced the full force of burnout. Within the book, Deborah describes this point in her life as ‘having nothing left in the tank’ – she would only have energy for work, would constantly be wearing a false mask of “all is OK”, but deep down she was suffering with extreme fatigue and ill-health, and longed for the weekend – not to party as many other 20/30 somethings were doing – but to recover, sleep and give her brain a rest. “Helping others to thrive in work and life is my passion and coaching is at the heart of everything I do”.
Deborah’s 5 Top Tips
How to have it all in 2020 without burning out!
We want to have it all, to live the dream, to make the most out of every moment. But we seem to be doing so at the expense of our health and happiness, sacrificing our most basic needs whilst striving for a version of perfection that might not even be our own.
Here are my top 5 tips for truly having it all in 2020 without the risk of burning yourself out in the process.
- Understand what brings you joy in life and know with crystal-clear clarity what your ‘all’ is. If you want to have it all, then you need to know what you’re aiming for, and what you’re aiming for needs to be meaningful to YOU.
- Explore what YOUR stressors are in life and get really specific about them. The more we can understand what drives our own stress response, the greater our chances of taking positive action and making a difference.
- Learn to re-connect with your intuition, to tune-in to what’s right for YOU. In our society we have become conditioned to be overly analytical and data driven. But when it comes to what’s really right for us, then we should be using a heavy dose of personal intuition too.
- Uncover what really nourishes YOU. That might be about your body, your mindset, how you connect with others, the environment you find yourself in, or even how you spend your time. When you know, prioritise those things over and above anything else.
- Recruit some SUPPORT to encourage and guide you along the way, and to be there to help you when you hit the inevitable bump in the road. This can be a loved one, a friend, or a professional – but it must be someone who is dedicated to enabling you follow your own path. You will meet resistance in many different forms – having someone by your side for the journey makes it a whole lot easier.
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