Garden Living

Garden Living

by Northern Life

Love your house but need more space? Then a garden room may be the perfect solution! With a range of options to suit any use, size or taste, garden rooms are becoming an increasingly popular choice for homeowners looking to add more space to their house without forking out for a huge extension! We’ve teamed up with Chris Brown from Brown’s Garden Buildings and Helen Donkin from Smart Spaces to find out their top tips on garden rooms!

Garden rooms have a wealth of uses

Chris says: “They can be used as hobby rooms, sewing rooms or home offices. They can also be used as teenage crash pads which is really cool as the parents are left with a nice garden room when they move out! It’s a nice relaxing space to just enjoy your garden.”

Helen adds: “They can be occasional bedrooms for guests. It gives you the flexibility of extra space.”

Where is best to place your garden room?

Chris says: “A position away from the house to open the garden up. It’s also important to be slightly off the boundary to allow air to circulate around the building.”

Garden living

Garden Igloo 360 Dome £849 Cuckooland

How do you ensure they are light?

Helen smiles: “You need to make sure there is enough light in there. You must position the room correctly so the maximum light is coming in. The location really makes the design.”

Garden Living

Rowlinson Ryton Summer House in Honey Brown £999

Why are garden buildings a great alternative to extensions?

Chris says: “It’s significantly cheaper to build an extra space in the garden. Built correctly, insulted, lined and electrics, whatever you spend on your garden room you will get back when you sell the property so it’s a good investment and you can always take your garden building with you if you move!”

How do you keep them secure?

Chris: All locks are based on household locks. The glass is toughended so breaking into one is difficult. You can also get a battery remote alarm system.

Helen: I always recommend sensor security lights so it lights up when someone walks near the garden room.

Garden Living

Akit Rattan Armchair £395

What is the best way to decorate and furnish garden rooms?

Helen: We use natural colours to keep it simple inside like whites and greys. If you do change your mind though, they are quick and easy to redecorate, just like painting a wall!

Chris: Loft furniture is slightly smaller than normal furniture so when put loft furniture in a garden room is immediately looks like a big space! My top tip is just to be aware of how big furniture can be. Take a tape with you, draw a little plan of the inside and just check the size of your furniture before you buy it. It’s very easy to buy a big sofa and when you get it in there, it dwarfs the space!

“It’s significantly cheaper to build an extra space in the garden”

Garden living

Rowlinson Connor Outdoor Wooden Summer House in Natural Timber £1,799