Five Steps To Help You Take Better Care Of Yourself Once You Hit 30
by Northern Life
It is a fact of life that as we get older, our bodies start to need a little more support. You have probably noticed that your morning run takes a little while longer than it used to. You may also have noticed that a big night out takes it out of you considerably more than it once did. When you are in your 20s, your body can bounce back from pretty much anything you can throw at it. It is a bit of a cliché, but it is true that once you hit 30, you will feel everything more.
This is why it is so important that you start getting proactive when it comes to looking after yourself. Some of the issues that we will talk about it in this piece are about serious health issues. Others are more about making sure you are happy with your appearance and looking at all the options when it comes to issues that occur as you get older. Here are some ways to take better care of yourself once you pass that big thirtieth birthday. Remember, this is a guide, and you should speak to a healthcare expert if you have any pressing concerns.
Start Eating Healthier
There are plenty of people out there who do not need any help with this one. We all know those people for whom their diet is a way of life, but if you are not in that group, you need to pay a little more attention to what you put in your body once you hit 30. Issues such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure are going to become increasingly serious, and heart disease is a huge problem in the United Kingdom, and the rest of the world. In fact, it’s estimated that heart and circulatory diseases cause an average of 460 deaths a day in the UK alone. So, start by trying to cut down on high-fat foods such as red meat and dairy. Consider getting more fresh fruit and vegetables into your diet and eat more lean proteins such as chicken and fish. No one is saying that you need to cut out treat meals entirely but being more aware of the balance in your diet is important.
Start by trying to cut down on high-fat foods such as red meat and dairy.
Start Exercising More
One of the best ways that you can take better care of your body as you get older is to take your exercise routine more seriously. It can be tough if you have never been the person who enjoys getting out there for regular physical exercise and if the idea of going to the gym does not sound like a great time. But exercise is so important to keep your body working properly, it helps to keep your immune system in good shape, and it also has been linked to improved mental health (more on that later). It is recommended that adults should get around 150 minutes of exercise a week, which is extremely doable if you break it down. Think about where you can fit a jog or a trip to the gym into your daily schedule. You don’t need to start training hard right off the bat, the most important thing is that you exercise regularly. Get a friend involved if you are finding motivation tricky, and make sure that you are doing something that you actually enjoy.
You don’t need to start training hard right off the bat, the most important thing is that you exercise regularly.
Remember That You Can Address Issues With Your Appearance
A lot of men find it hard when their body starts to change as they get older. For example, everyone is familiar with the term “dad bod”, which generally happens to all of us once our bodies start not being able to shake off beer and cake as well as they used to. But if you are unhappy with your physical appearance for whatever reason, remember that there are plenty of options that you can use to change things. We’ve talked about things you can do to improve your diet and get more exercise, but why stop there? As they get older, one of the most common issues for men is male pattern baldness. There are many different reasons you might start to lose your hair, ranging from stress to genetic factors. But there are ways that you can combat hair loss, including medication like Finasteride, which has been shown to be effective in 90% of men for male pattern baldness. If you are interested, you can buy Finasteride from Oxford Online Pharmacy and learn more about how the treatment works. They are a fully registered UK pharmacy and a family-run business since 1925.
Start Getting Regular Check-Ups
As we get older, it is a fact of life that we find ourselves at greater and greater risk of some serious illnesses. One of the biggest problems for men is that there has long been a culture where you are supposed to keep your head down and get on with it if you feel like something is wrong or if you are not feeling well. This is one of the main reasons why so much of the messaging from the NHS and major health charities has been targeted at men, specifically at older men, to get them to go and talk to a doctor if they notice something. One of the best things you can start doing as you get older is to see the doctor for regular check-ups. If you know that there is a history of certain illnesses in your family, such as cancer, diabetes, heart failure and other serious issues, you need to get proactive on your healthcare once you hit 30. Remember that there is always going to be a much better chance of treating diseases and illnesses if you can catch them early. Don’t put it off because you don’t want to cause a fuss.
Don’t put it off because you don’t want to cause a fuss.
Look After Your Mental Health
Following on from the point above, it can be extremely difficult for men to feel like they can open up about how they are doing when it comes to their mental health. There have been great strides in pushing the issue into the public forum as many famous figures, from athletes to movie stars, have discussed their mental health struggles. You probably know someone in your family or your close friend group who has gone to or is in therapy. If you feel like you are struggling, you need to take the issue seriously. You can start by carving out time in the day that is just for you. It can be a few minutes a day, as long as it is completely yours. Stop checking your work messages when you finish for the day, because burnout is a serious factor for a lot of people. Talking to your friends about how you are doing is a good place to start, but it is not always easy to open up to the people closest to you. You may want to consider looking at therapy or counselling. It can be so helpful to speak to someone who is outside of your situation who can help you find a positive way forward. You must reach out for expert help if any of the issues we’ve discussed affect you. Pick up the phone and speak to a healthcare expert.