The Cow and Calf Rocks area, near Ilkley, West Yorkshire

Exploring Yorkshire: Improving Your Health With Outdoor Fun

by Northern Life


It’s easy to get stuck in an indoor rut, glued to the TV while munching on snacks, especially when the weather isn’t great. However, if you are wondering what some of the health benefits of being outdoors are, there are lots of benefits to both physical and mental health to peeling yourself off of the sofa and venturing outside. Why not dump the duvet, turn off the TV and see what the great outdoors has to offer?

Heather in full bloom at Norland in Halifax, West Yorkshire, UK.

Soak up the sun & breathe in that air

While we can’t expect year-long sunshine in Yorkshire (or anywhere in the UK, for that matter), there is no better time to head outside than when the sun emerges from the clouds. Not only are the sun’s rays a natural mood-booster, but they are the body’s main source of vitamin D, which helps keep our muscles, teeth and bones healthy. Just be sure to avoid sunburn by avoiding strong direct sunlight and using a good suncare product with a high SPF.

Being out in the fresh air also has a rejuvenating effect on both body and soul. Research into the health benefits of getting outdoors has also shown that being out in the fresh air can reduce stress levels, lower blood pressure and help us heal more quickly. Access to plenty of clean air and nature in the fells and peaks of Yorkshire provides our bodies with a welcome oxygen boost which can improve our day-to-day focus levels.

When hay fever season sets in, being outdoors might be a bit of a struggle for those with pollen allergies. However, there are many ways to reduce hay fever symptoms to be able to spend more time outdoors, such as taking antihistamine tablets and putting vaseline around your nose to catch the pollen. To protect your eyes from hay fever, it’s also useful to wear sunglasses to prevent red and itchy eyes many usually experience.

Choose fitness

Of course, one of the best reasons for going outdoors is simple – physical exercise! Many of us spend our lives working in sedentary jobs and rounding off the working day by bingeing on the latest Netflix series. With physical activity placed on a back-burner, it’s inevitable that many of us become a little less fit than we’d like to be. And you don’t have to turn into a full-blown athlete to take advantage of being out in nature; simply going for a brisk walk is enough to raise your heart rate and burn more calories. Walking on varying terrain can have the added benefit of working your muscles harder, so that’s a good workout right there!

Ingleton, North Yorkshire, UK.

Explore some of Yorkshire’s best sights

Not only can getting outside improve your health and wellbeing, but you will be able to see many great sights on your outdoor adventures too. Whether you are into running, hiking, or cycling, Yorkshire is full of amazing places to explore. Ingleton Waterfall Trail in the Dales is an area of incredible beauty, with several waterfalls, a gorge and a glen to investigate. This enchanting trail is around five miles in length, so whether you fancy taking a hardy pace or a leisurely stroll, you’ll have plenty of time to take in its splendour.

Ilkley Moor is also captivating open space to enjoy. It’s regarded as being one of the most stunning areas of natural beauty in the UK, particularly in late summer and early autumn, when swathes of purple heather is in bloom. Within the Moor are two of Yorkshire’s most well-known landmarks, the Cow and Calf rocks and the Twelve Apostles, both of which can be visited if you’re up for a bit of hiking.

If you’re looking to do something a bit more vigorous, the Three Peaks of Ingleborough, Whernside and Pen-y-Ghent should offer a bit more of a challenge. Located in the Yorkshire Dales, the Three Peaks can be conquered in one day if you’re really looking to get your heart pumping.

For wildlife lovers, Bempton Cliffs offer a marvellous East Coast setting in which to spot a variety of seabirds, such as puffins and gannets. There’s also the added bonus of spectacular sea views and the refreshing effects of the sea air.

A variety of outdoor pursuits

Whereas walking is something that everyone can do, there are plenty of other activity options: cycling, swimming, kayaking, and climbing are just a few suggestions. For those who love to delve into the unknown, there are plenty of caves and caverns to investigate: Stump Cross Caverns and White Scar Caves are just two examples. There are plenty of areas suitable for cycling too; Howgill Fells at the Dales’ border with Cumbria is a particularly breath-taking landscape to cycle through. The wonderful East Yorkshire Coast offers plenty of beachy spots where you can take a dip – Flamborough Head is especially pleasant with its amazing cliffs and sandy shoreline.

To summarise, there are many valuable reasons to leave the electronics at home and venture outdoors. Your body and mind will thank you for it!