11 January to 28 September
Leeds Industrial Museum, Armley Mills, Canal Rd, Leeds
On the 300th anniversary of John Smeaton, dubbed the Father of Civil Engineering, our new exhibition celebrates civil engineering in its many forms! Uncover unique objects that were central to Smeaton’s journey and an accompanying exhibition by our Young Smeatonians group which poses challenging questions about the subject. The exhibition is on until 28th Sept 2025.       11 January to 28 September. https://museumsandgalleries.leeds.gov.uk/

1 February to 31 December
From Haworth To Eternity: The Enduring Legacy Of The Brontës
Bronte Parsonage Museum, Church Street, Haworth
The Brontës’ enduring popularity is largely explained by the power and originality of the stories they created, but the story of the Brontës’ own lives is as compelling as their fictions. The family’s home at Haworth Parsonage, and the moorland surrounding it, were a profound influence on the Brontës, and became part of the irresistible draw of Haworth for visitors from all over the world. 1 February to 31 December. bronte.org.uk

29 March to 31 December
Life Goes On – Exhibition
Salts Mill, Saltaire, Shipley
An exhibition featuring Ian Beesley, a celebrated Bradford-born photographer. Known for his powerful images of Northern England, Beesley will showcase a collection of previously unseen works from his extensive archive. Wed - Sun 10am - 5pm. Free.   29 March to 31 December. saltsmill.org.uk

29 March to 6 April
Exhibition – Ilkley Art Club
Ilkley Manor House,, Castle Yard, Ilkley
Ilkley Art Club is an inclusive and welcoming group whose members have varying styles and approaches to their art, enjoying practical sessions, including working from the figure, lectures, discussions and demonstrations. Exhibition Sat & Sun. Free. 29 March to 6 April. www.ilkleymanorhouse.org

2 April to 2 November
An Account of Life: Gawthorpe Hall in the 1600s

An exhibition bringing the household of Gawthorpe Hall in the 1600s to life, through the original account books of the Shuttleworth Family. Various opening times. 2 April to 2 November. lancashire.gov.uk

10 May to 11 May
Menston Art Club Exhibition
Kirklands Community Centre , Menston
Come and join us for our next exhibition on 10th & 11th May 2025 in Kirklands main hall. Members paintings and crafts will be available to admire and purchase. Free entry. Cafe open during exhibition for drinks & cakes. 10 May to 11 May. https://www.menstonartsclub.org.uk/