

by Eddy Rawlinson

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Here Burnley Bobbies on parade at a time when towns and cities had their force with each district having constables plodding a district beat 24hrs / seven days a week. Most constables had to be six feet tall or more, and knowing right from wrong was their main qualification.

With a helmet plonked on top of that height, they looked giants in uniform, and you addressed them as sir.

Dr Who boxes were introduced and dotted around the town so that they could keep in touch with the station, have a meal break and meet up with their seniors.

Now antiquated and gone, there wasn’t the crime we see today despite the introduction of amazing technology and fast-flying cars. It’s alarming to see the rise in crime rates despite all the technological advancements.

Perhaps, the reintroduction of just a few of our old-type bobbies like these, with their gentle, persuasive ways, could be the answer to our rising crime problem.

NorthernLife Sep/Oct/Nov 24