
Colne Sweet Colne

by Northern Life


From the hectic streets of St Alban’s, to the peaceful hills of Colne, the drastic change in life came as a pleasant surprise to couple, David and Neil, who relocated to our bonnie town on the hill, four years ago. If there’s a pair that could convince you to move to Colne, it’s these two. Flowers flourish in gardens, the town centre is alive, and the community diary is full, but let’s find out exactly what makes Colne a forever home.

David and Neil looked for two things in their search for their new home – to be close to the countryside with amenities at hand and to be closer to family. They decided enough was enough in the south, and they would pursue their dream of living up north.

I said to Neil, are you alright there? And he just burst out, ‘I love it!’ So here we are, four years later.

“We decided we want to move into a more country location and we finally found our place we call home in Colne.” smiled Neil.

“I grew up as a child in the North East in Middlesborough, went to university in Manchester and then moved to London for 20 years. My partner David was from Salford and his family are still in Manchester, mine live in Durham, it means they are all just a drive away from Colne. We knew after living in St Albans for five years, we would move to the countryside. We’re both in our 40s, it was time. It was the perfect house, the perfect time and the perfect location.”

The couple initially explored Yorkshire, from Carnforth to Richmond to Plately Bridge; it was a vast search, but they were looking at locations they were already familiar with and had researched. It was time for something new.

David Casserley (l) and Neil Meredith (r) in their home in Colne

“We went to see what we thought we wanted in all those locations, but they just weren’t doing it for us. I had Colne on my list of places to view for six months, but never got round to visiting. One day, we decided to have a drive up and view the area and property. I remember looking at Neil, he was a little bit unsure on the drive up, but as soon as we saw our home, we didn’t speak for about 20 minutes, out of shock. I said to Neil, are you alright there? And he just burst out, I love it! So here we are, four years later.” David grinned.

The people of Colne will go out of their way for you: they’re so caring and attentive.

“We just completely fell in love with the house.” added Neil. “We found it on the maps, but we had never heard of it before! It’s a town centre, with so much greenery surrounding. We walked around the town to do some more research into the area and it had an amazing feel to it, everyone was so kind and friendly.”

Neil discovered that even when he goes shopping, Colne folk are always eager for a natter. “It has all the amenities close by, the employees at the businesses are so inviting, our neighbours and their friends were so polite and helpful, I can walk into town and people now know me in the shops! You’d never meet people like these down south. The people of Colne will go out of their way for you; they’re so caring and attentive.

Being from the north, I tried to be pleasant when I went to London, but the people simply kick it out of you. It’s good to be back in such a welcoming community now that I’ve moved here.”

“I thought I would miss the south a lot more than I actually have, the only thing I miss is the friends and family that are still there, but I wouldn’t go back now!” laughed Neil.

“We occasionally go back down, sometimes I go for work. I was there a couple of weeks ago and it was an absolute shock to the system. The hustle and bustle, everyone’s in a rush. The London attitude I once had has gone away.”

The couple discovered that Colne had been a blessing during the pandemic because they could walk into the countryside to escape the confines of their home, a luxury compared to London living. The two-year shutdown hampered the housework that needed to be done, but once stores reopened, Neil and David ventured out to discover the local shops.

“When we moved here, we went from a modern house, into an older house. We went into Trawden Furniture in Colne centre, owned by Nora and Stewart. I bought everything I could find that would fit into the house. I went back every week to see what she had, so our home is filled with lots of Nora’s furniture! I could spend hours in there.” Said David. “It’s great that there’s a lot more independent shops here.”

“We also love going to the local pubs. We’ve become regulars at the Alma Inn, we love nipping to the Emmott Arms for a pint! They’re all walkable and so great to visit.” said Neil.

David is a project manager, and Neil is a CTO, meaning he’s in charge of projects that are anything IT based.

“I get to stay at home and look after the chickens, ducks, a rooster and our new dog! He’s a greyhound rescue called Tom, and he’s only three years old, very lively. This means we can start going on more walks too with him and seeing places! We definitely made the right choice, it’s a different pace of life,” smiled David.

There’s No Place Like Colne

NorthernLife Nov/Dec 2022