Tony Husband

BOOK REVIEW: From a Dark Place by Tony Husband and Paul Husband

by David Hall

From a Dark Place is an easy-to-understand book about a drug addict and his family. Simply said, but not easily understood, this book, written by the father and son involved, is a moving and evocative story which brings the emotions of both to life and gives the reader a vastly improved picture of what is needed both to care for addicts, and how to escape from the dark place addiction creates.

Award-winning cartoonist Tony Husband packs the books with simple cartoons and little text, but manages to convey the tremendous battle as his son successfully managed to find the light and liberty of healing. Find out more about Tony Husband’s work here.

From a Dark Place is the ideal book to read if you are in the position of having a relative who is an addict, or even if you are an addict. But invaluable also in helping anyone understand the difficulties and tensions involved – and, therefore, how to help.

By Tony Husband and Paul Husband Robinsong, Paperback, £8.99 Amazon