Bad Skin Begone: Five Top Tips to Help Improve Spotty Skin
by Northern Life
Our skin can cause a whole host of worries and stress, particularly if you can’t seem to improve its appearance. Luckily, there are a few simple yet beneficial things that you can do to help improve the look and feel of your skin. Keep reading to identify our top five tips to help curb those pesky skin breakouts.
Tip #1: Choose your make-up wisely
One study that was published in 2013 examined the effects of wearing cosmetics on the skin. The study concluded that individuals who wore make-up were more likely to experience spots and skin breakouts. There are steps that you can take to ensure that your make-up is as skin-friendly as possible. For example, select oil-free make-up, wash any brushes that you use at least once per week, remove your make-up before exercising and sleeping as it can be absorbed into your pores, and you should also clean your hands prior to touching your face so that you’re not spreading any germs or bacteria onto your face or into your eyes.
Tip #2: Avoid picking your spots

It can be extremely tricky for some individuals to stop themselves from picking at their spots or skin. However, it’s vital for the health and appearance of your skin that you ensure you do all that you can to prevent this. This is because picking at spots can worsen them, as it opens them up and allows bacteria to infect them. What’s more, it can increase the risk of skin scarring. This is particularly prevalent with acne. If your spots are painful, or you’re struggling to resist picking at them, then it would be a great idea to book an appointment with a doctor or dermatologist to discuss your issues in more detail.
Tip #3: Gently wash and cleanse your face
You should strive to wash and cleanse your face morning and night, as this can help to keep your skin clean. In fact, one study published in 2006 examined the effects of washing the face either once, twice or four times per day for a period of six weeks. The authors reported that those who washed their faces the most times experienced a reduction in their acne lesions. The individuals who only washed their faces once per day experienced the largest increase in spots. It’s important that you choose the face cleanser that’s right for you and your skin type. In case you have sensitive skin, then it will be best to choose an un-fragranced cleanser with gentle and natural ingredients. Also, it’s important to remember that the more expensive cleansers won’t necessarily be better for skin than the less expensive ones.
Tip #4: Make healthy life choices

Making healthy life choices will not only be great for your skin but for your overall well being as well. For example, you should strive to drink plenty of water, eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, limit your alcohol intake, and don’t smoke. Also, you should strive to get into a good sleep routine, as not getting enough sleep might negatively impact the health of your skin. It’s recommended that adults get between seven and nine hours of sleep every night. One study published in 2015 reported the link between lack of sleep and acne, as 65% of the participants reported having acne and feeling tired. Try and get yourself into a good sleep routine by going to bed at the same time every night. Furthermore, ensure that your bedroom is kept dark and that you have a comfortable mattress to help promote relaxation and sleep.
Tip #5: Use CBD oil
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural plant remedy that has risen to popularity in recent years. What is CBD oil? It’s a cannabinoid that is obtained from the cannabis Sativa plant. It’s extracted from the plant and then diluted with a carrier oil, like coconut oil or olive oil. While CBD oil can be consumed via oil tinctures or edibles like CBD gummies UK, there are also many topical CBD products. You can purchase creams, face masks, cleansers, and moisturisers that you apply directly onto your skin. There will be different concentrations of CBD available, and therefore you should choose one that suits you. In case you are new to CBD or new to topical CBD, then you should begin with a small amount of the product to see how it affects your skin. You should also only purchase CBD products from trustworthy and reputable companies.
‘CBD for acne’ and ‘CBD for skin’ are popular search engine terms for people attempting to improve their skin naturally. There have been plenty of studies conducted into the effects of CBD on the skin. For example, one study published in 2014 examined how CBD affects human sebocytes. These are the cells in the body that create sebum, which is an oily substance on the skin. While it helps to protect it, if your body produces too much, then it can be one of the causes of acne. The authors of this study found that CBD can prevent the sebocytes from producing excess sebum. Therefore, CBD might be able to help prevent acne.
There’s also evidence that CBD may play a hand in helping to reduce acne scarring. Finally, CBD also offers antifungal and antibacterial properties and therefore holds the potential to help manage skin infections. Overall, there are some encouraging studies into CBD’s potential to help manage acne, and it’s exciting to think about where further research could take us.
Final thoughts
That completes our article on tips for healthier skin! Breakouts and acne can cause our self-confidence to take a major hit; however, as we have discovered, there are steps that you can take to put you in control of your skin health. Of course, these tips won’t work for everyone, and if you feel concerned about your skin, then you should consider making a doctor’s appointment.