Bend It Like Burnley
by Northern Life
Rosegrove FC Ladies go from success to success.
“Bend it like Burnley started as a few mums who had kids playing for Rosegrove Juniors,” player Karen Clark explains. Having experienced everything that comes with having five football-mad children, she was no stranger to the beautiful game! “Four of my five lads play football, and my husband managed their team. I considered it a case of ‘if you can’t beat them, join them!’
“Many mums were like me; they had kids playing for Rosegrove Juniors. They wanted to play for some fitness, so they understood their children’s game better.” From such a humble beginning, I was surprised when I discovered the team’s success on the pitch! “We joined a league for a bit of fun at first. We took it more seriously and joined the FA’s ladies’ development league. We won the league both times in the two most recent seasons in there!”
“They have a good setup and talented girls; the coaches are great lads and will push them.”
The team – comprised of 20 women ranging from 17 to 53 – are keen to improve and are moving up a division this year to test themselves! “It was a step up, but still very relaxed in the Development League. Despite a league table, you arrange fixtures with one another as you please. We’re especially looking forward to being a bit more competitive now.”

Karen Clark
The Chairman, Michael Cain, enthusiastically agreed! “We need to unlock that next level. They need to test themselves and push their development. The aim is to win the new league! I imagine they will. They have a good setup and talented girls; the coaches are great lads and will push them. We’re in a good place at the moment. The promotion will only help them get better.”
“We want to offer football to anyone. We’re not limited, and we take on people from all backgrounds. From a chairman’s perspective, there’s an ambition to attract more junior girls’ sides to Rosegrove. We wanted to achieve it, and I’m happy with how it’s going”.
As we go to print, Rosegrove Ladies FC ranks first in the division. Keep it up, lasses!
NorthernLife Nov/Dec 23