Female and male characters loosing hair. People with a comb and with a tuft of hair in their hands. Hair loss, baldness, alopecia in young age, hair problems. Set of flat cartoon vector illustrations

8 Dos and Don’ts to Reduce Hair Loss

by Northern Life

Whether you have recently noticed more hair fall than normal or you simply want to maintain a healthy head of hair, excessive hair loss is a traumatic experience most people try to avoid.

Unfortunately, people lose their hair for many reasons, such as their genes, lifestyle and environment.

To reduce hair loss, here are 8 dos and don’ts you should consider.

Don’t Worry

Whether you are in your 20s or 70s, hair loss happens to the best of people. Try not to fret about hair thinning, especially if it is just something you have noticed recently. Try to find the source of the problem so that you can address it with the best solution.

Do Seek Professional Advice

Whether your issue is down to seasonal weather changes, the inevitability of ageing or a health condition, seeking professional advice can do your hair a world of good. Harley Street Hair Clinic employs hair care professionals who specialize in hair restoration solutions. They offer a range of services tailored to individual needs. To find out more information, visit hshairclinic.co.uk.

Don’t Waste Money on ‘Miracle Cures’

When you see yet another fancy product lauded for hair growth, try to avoid the temptation of making an impulse purchase. Instead, do your own research into the product and consult a professional. Hair loss products are not always what they’re cracked up to be, and some might even cause unwanted reactions.

Do Stay Positive

It is natural to stress out when experiencing hair fall suddenly, but stress and anxiety can actually make your issue worsen. In fact, telogen effluvium is a type of temporary hair loss caused by stress. Luckily, you can reverse this by removing stress. Practicing meditation and yoga can aid relaxation and help moderate stress levels.

Don’t Scrape Your Hair Back

There are certain hairstyles and styling techniques that can be devastating for hair health. For example, scraping your hair and tying it back into a tight ponytail can result in strands of hair getting unintentionally pulled out of your head. Other harmful hairstyles you should avoid wearing regularly include buns, braids and cornrows.

Do Choose Hair Healthy Hairstyles

Short hairstyles are great for people who want to avoid shedding excessive amounts of hair as they are often low maintenance and require little handling. They are also great for hiding thinning hair. Layered hairstyles, a shaggy cut and short bobs are all good choices.

Don’t Pile on the Products

If you are the type of person to apply masses of product to create the right hairstyle, make sure you check the label before application. Many products contain harsh chemicals, such as polyethylene glycol and alcohol, which can cause hair to become weak and brittle. If you are susceptible to breakages, try to choose products that suit your hair type.

Do Give Your Hair a Natural Boost

In addition to matching your products to your personal needs, you can also try using natural ingredients to boost your hair. Shikakai is recommended by ayurvedic practitioners. It is full of antioxidants and minerals, and is known to improve hair health.