5 ways to improve your fitness while still having fun
by Northern Life
Ready to take your fitness to the next level?
Feeling better about your body doesn’t need to mean spending hours in the gym on your own. In this guide, we’ve covered five of the best ways to move your body, get fitter, and have a brilliant time in the process!
1. Embrace the great outdoors
Getting outside means you can exercise and enjoy all the benefits of nature, too.
Whether you choose running, walking, or cycling, moving your body and taking in the views is a fantastic way to get fitter and spend time with your loved ones. Cycling perhaps offers the most opportunities for covering greater distances, especially if you go in a group.
At the moment, gravel bikes are a popular choice for adventure enthusiasts looking to explore away from the roads and onto the dusty forest trails.
2. Dance your way to fitness
Not a fan of traditional sports? If you’re looking for a way to exercise without committing to a sports club or trying something that feels too difficult, dancing is a great way to enjoy yourself, move your body, and feel good.
There are so many types of dance to try, so whether you’re feeling like tango or classical ballet, there’s bound to be an instructor in a dance school near you.
Dance classes can be as regular as you’d like them to be, and it’s easy to practice and build on your skills at home. Plus, it’s an activity that you can do anywhere and with anyone—you don’t even need to speak the same language!
3. Game on!
There’s always time to play classic games; these could help you burn more calories than you expect. How about some Twister?
Whether it’s rounders with the family, a kickabout with your friends, or an organised local tournament, trying your hand at different sports gives you useful life experience and helps to build your skills off the field, too.
Along with providing a great cardiovascular workout, trying different games will test your problem-solving skills and build confidence as you learn.
4. Challenge yourself to adventure
If a walk around the park simply won’t quench your thirst for adventure, why not set your greatest challenge yet?
Whether that’s a long-distance walk in the Yorkshire Dales National Park or something a little bit gentler, you won’t be short of ways to test yourself.
Signing up for an official event could help you work towards a specific goal. Whether that’s the local parkrun or a competitive race, there are plenty of ways to hold yourself accountable to specific training goals while still having fun.
5. Turn everyday activities into exercise
Finally, if you don’t have time to schedule a workout into your working day, there are many ways to move your body a little bit more in the meantime.
For example, taking the stairs instead of the lift or escalator will help you increase your step count and boost your circulation on days when you spend a lot of time sitting down.
If you’re working from home, doing something like squats or push-ups while you wait for the kettle to boil could make a big difference over time. Being creative in these moments means giving yourself opportunities to move your body. And that almost always means feeling better!